Background & History

Image of Elliott welding a sculpture

The Backbone & History

Founder & Sculptor Charles Elliott is only just reaching his third decade & yet he has already made an unbelievable mark on the sculpting art front.

He is not only known within the UK, but he is now also known globally for his sculptures.


The How

Born in Buckinghamshire in 1993, Charles upbringing was surrounded by animals of all types & has fuelled his passion for his surroundings & nature.

With his mother’s strong equine passion, Charles followed in her footsteps where he not only learnt to ride but also dipped his toe in the water with farriery & dentistry until he realised that his enthusiasm for art was far stronger……… Elliott of London was born!


The Whydressage horse sculptures

Now in its 9th year, Charles has taken the company from strength to strength, forever pushing the boundaries of abstract, modern & realistic art.

From starting out in a corner of his uncles blacksmithing studio tinkering around, Charles was slowly but surely self-teaching & feeding his talent.

His very first animalistic sculpture was a life size stag made & “upcycled” from a bundle of old horseshoes. Each horseshoe he hand-bent, cut & placed to create this piece – it was the first of many & as of yet no two have been made the same simply due to the handmaking of these sculptures.

This prolific piece was soon snapped up & sold, enabling Charles to realise his efforts were entirely worth it!

There was no looking back from here, his brain just kicked in & the art was flowing!

A selection of smaller, affordable sculptures were created & a bigger studio was acquired.

The designs, the sketches, the ideas & the hype was growing fast & the brand was born!

By no means was it a plain sailing path, with the cost of materials ever rising, the pressure of deadlines, perfection & no room for error the creative mind of Charles knew he had to push harder & give it his all.

image of horse head sculpture and hay stacks

The When

A huge part of the realisation came when Charles was asked to work alongside a company for the Royal Chelsea Flower show back in 2016 where he won Silver Gilt for his sculpture “Love With The Mind” – a piece inspired by Shakespeare which captured to love between two people.

This piece now has pride of place in its final Hertfordshire private home destination!

mother and child abstract sculpture

The Who

Onwards & upwards, Charles & the team decided they needed to broaden their horizon’s & start showcasing the sculptures& art further & wider – the outlets, shows, fairs & displays started to grow & the publicity was a strong force!

The fun they could have with the displays up & down the UK meant a wider collection of people could see the work & it also meant the hype about new sculptures in progress encouraged Charles & the team.

Commissions across the UK have been made for an array of clients, budgets & settings – the sculptures have now also made the journeys across land & sea to Europe, USA, Canada & even managed to get as far as Australia & Mexico!

Each & every sculpture is still handmade within the Elliott of London studio based now in Hertfordshire, the team work solely with minimalistic tools & machines dating back to the 1920’s & they still pride themselves on a “total in house policy”

The studio itself holds an incredicle display of art & sculpture & there is an electric feel to the place with new projects happening all over the studio!

The studio welcomes visitors by appointment to ensure one of the team can be there to greet, discuss & show all visitors the methods they use, to explain each sculpture & to help moving forwards with any interest in sculptures available.

Book you visit today by contacting one of the team:

01494 758896

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